Monday, 16 March 2009

Low Bloods

Chemo day - the first thing they had to do was take more bloods as on Friday my neutrophill count was 0.06 and under 0.5 is significant meaning you have neutrophina. Saw my Dr, he said it was good to see me looking better and eating. He looked at my mouth ulcers and said they were due to my low white blood count. He ran through my revised medication and talked about the possibly of delaying the chemo if the bloods were still bad. He also discussed giving me a injection to boast my white blood cells. Had to wait until 1pm to get my bloods back, yes they were still low but they were going to go ahead, they were 0.2. Didn’t end up getting away until nearly 5.00pm. Had another lot of pills and the growth injection to have tomorrow. Despite leaving at 5.00pm it didn’t take too long to get back and I didn’t feel car sick, bonus!

Steroids must be working again as the next day I made carrot cake (used my own carrot cake recipe but used the icing from this one), it turned out well and tasted even better (my cousin Nick will vouch for that I am sure!).

Thursday my red cheeks had returned, it seems that a few days after chemotheraphy I get this flushed look on my face, random!

Went out for Charlene's birthday on Saturday night, first 'big' night out wearing my head scarf, all went ok and soon forgot about it, was lovely to see everyone.

Monday we went to Shuttleworth for a walk around, as it was such a nice day, took some photos.

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