Had an afternoon out in Woburn on Saturday, it was a nice sunny day so the park was pretty busy, managed to take some good shots of the lions.
Tuesday another trip to the hospital for ABVD cycle 2 day 15! As we were driving over there my Dr rang me to check I was on my way, we weren't late of anything but he said he want to check I was coming because he hadn't heard from us in 2 weeks! The ward I usually go to was having some snagging done on it so I had to go to a different ward and it was all a bit chaotic, my Dr was on reception at the nurse's station when we arrived! Which could explain the phone call, he must have been bored!
Dr was pleased with my progress, he said he can't feel the lump on my thigh anymore and my stomach is returning to normal and doesn't look distended so he thinks my liver is responding as well. He thought as I had had a clear cycle this time in terms of side effects, the problems with the previously bad cycles were probably due to mass tumour kill. Also the PEG injection would have helped me feel better this time around. We discussed putting my PET scan back to just before cycle 4 instead of after this cycle because I had a CT scan not so long ago when I was in hospital.
Two good things when I got home from chemo, i) my flat screen TV and DVD player had been fitted in my bedroom - its awesome and ii) a letter from Benefits saying they would pay me the Employment and Benefit Allowance of £50 a week - better than a kick in the teeth!
Fingers crossed for another 'good' cycle.