Monday, 15 March 2010

Stevenage Football Match in support of the LA

On 6th March '10 we organised that the Stevenage vs. Crawley Town game would be held in support of the Lymphoma Association. To raise awareness a little piece was put in the programme...

'Today’s match is in support of the Lymphoma Association, Registered Charity No. 1068395, which provides information and support to anyone affected by lymphatic cancer (most common cancer in the under 30s).

After a year of travelling, life couldn’t be better but I started to suffer with back pain which I just dismissed as getting back into the daily routine. I then developed flu-like symptoms accompanied by itchy skin and a persistent lump.
After various tests, and a lot of visits to my GP, I was told that I had lymphoma. I had never heard of it before, didn’t even know it was cancer and when you're only 23, that comes as a real shock! I found the Lymphoma Association a wealth of information and support.
My chemotherapy treatment lasted for eight months. Now just over a year since diagnosis I am enjoying getting my life back on track.
Please give generously to the charity volunteers in the stadium as every penny will be put to vital use. Thank you.'

It was a great day, friends, family and even the Mayor of Stevenage came down to support. We also did a bucket collection on the day and raised nearly £400 for the LA, a great amount and way above our expectations. A big thanks to everyone involved.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Good News from the Consultant.

Bit late in posting this, just wanted to update you all on my follow up appointment with the consultant in March.

The consultant was pleased to see how well I was doing. He was encouraged to see I was back at work three days a week and that my energy levels were returning to what they were before I had lymphoma. My appetite has now returned and I love my food again :). Back at the gym and training for the 10K run which I am going to do in July. I had some bloods taken, which took a while because my veins are still not play ball, but the results all came back normal.

In my follow up letter the consultant wrote:

'Hayley continues in her clinical remission'

which was nice to see in black and white.

Continuing with my are a few snaps from walking around Cambridge after my appointment.

Hope you are all well.